A poor silk weaver promises his wife to dress their newborn daughter in a silk saree for her marriage. Facing systemic oppression and the vicissitudes of his fortune, he struggles to keep his word.

Antoine, a young Parisian suburbanite, studies accounting without much conviction, dividing his time between the rap battles he practices with talent and his job as a sushi delivery boy. During an errand at the Garnier Opera, his path crosses that of Mrs LOYSEAU, a singing teacher in the venerable institution, who detects in Antoine a raw talent to be developed. Despi… Read all

Idhayathai Thirudathe
Prakash (Akkineni Nagarjuna), a carefree, mischievous student graduates from College. During his celebration with his friends, he gets into a road accident. Although the accident is only minor, during medical tests, he is diagnosed with terminal cancer an

Marakkuma Nenjam


Prabha (Aadhi) is the eldest son of his family who does nothing but spend all his time with his friends. He is chided by his father (Jayaprakash) for that. Being a volleyball player comes to his rescue as he finds a part-time job as a volleyball coach in

The Birds
A wealthy San Francisco socialite pursues a potential boyfriend to a small Northern California town that slowly takes a turn for the bizarre when birds of all kinds suddenly begin to attack people