A stranger keeps threatening a man, promising him that he will kill him after a week. Who is the stranger and what is he after?

The Code Conspiracy
What if a computer disc held a code so powerful that it could change the world forever? While translating the Dead Sea Scrolls, a professor discovers a hidden formula that not only unlocks all known computer encryption, but also scientifically proves the

Oomai Sennaai
A man who works for a private detective decides to turn over a new leaf, but ends up antagonising the men behind his last assignment, and gets entangled in a web spun by greedy politicians, corrupt cops and ruthless gangsters.

Maanja Velu

An emotionally charged mass family entertainer that delves into the profound theme of relationships that run deeper than blood. The story revolves around the enigmatic character, Antony and his close-knit group of friends.