Arya Surya
Arya and Surya, two struggling actors, put a smuggler behind bars. But the smuggler’s boss chases them to seek revenge.

Antoine, a young Parisian suburbanite, studies accounting without much conviction, dividing his time between the rap battles he practices with talent and his job as a sushi delivery boy. During an errand at the Garnier Opera, his path crosses that of Mrs LOYSEAU, a singing teacher in the venerable institution, who detects in Antoine a raw talent to be developed. Despi… Read all


Men in Black 3
Agent J travels in time to M.I.B.’s early days in 1969 to stop an alien from assassinating his friend Agent K and changing history.

The Goonies
A group of young misfits called The Goonies discover an ancient map and set out on an adventure to find a legendary pirate’s long-lost treasure.

Doraemon: Nobita’s Treasure Island
Doraemon, Nobita, Shizuka, Gian, and Suneo set out on an adventure in the Caribbean Sea. Nobita is the captain of a ship and fights his enemies on board. Shizuka gets kidnapped, and a storm impedes their journey. Mini-Dora help Nobita and friends on their

Kootathil Oruthan
Arvind, an ordinary Joe who is not noticed by any, be it at home, school or among friends falls in love with Janani, a class topper and an all-rounder who excels in sports and extra-curricular activities. A loner by nature, he is smitten by Janani and in

Balle Vellaiya Thevaa

Aval peyar tamilarasi
One minute in the life of a man can change the way his life shapes up. In one minute, one can take a decision, which can alter his or her life forever. This film is about a decision taken by the hero in the spur of the moment, the consequences on his life and the life of his dependents and how he goes about resurrecting the life, which he has lost due to that split-second decision.

Men in Black 2
Agent Jay is sent to find Agent Kay and restore his memory after the re-appearance of a case from Kay’s past.

Ambikapathy lands in Chennai with many aspirations. He becomes a peddler on Marina beach, which is his home with friends and well-wishers. He faces many hurdles but manages to work towards his goals.